Keep finding tiny bugs in the bedroom, they are not bed bugs, I checked all the pictures. they are about as big as a pin head, black with white stripes, but no pattern, and are round. they run like hell. could they be baby ladybirds, or have I got some sort of infestation brewing?
That's what I was going to suggest. I have them and they've ruined patches of carpet in several rooms. I've just bought a spray from Amazon to hopefully deal with them (do indeed look like small black and white cute ladybirds!)
Have just bought a spray online to get the little sods.( from rentokil) they have done no damage yet, but my mate had carpet beetle and they ate his lounge carpet, He suddenly got bald patches appearing. He had to burn it, have the floors fumigated and buy another carpet, i thought it was funny at the time, but it's got me worried, just glad they weren't bed bugs or some sort of flea. lets get hoovering!!!!