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Ditloids ; What is 1 W on a Q ?

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barryg | 13:11 Fri 18th May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
To do with aircraft wings. Apologies for first question, the a should be lower case.


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Then why don't you write it in lowercase?
No need for a new thread, just add to original thread!
barry, you should add this to your original post, not start a new thread. If it is a lower case, why put it again as A in the title?
Even so i can't find a 'q' word to relate to aircraft......
Any words written in the 'title box' will automatically produce a Capital letter on the front of each individual word.
in that case I apologise barry. It does change letters in the heading! However we are fairly stumped with finding an answer.
?????? under one's wing?
If its the Express 1wing on a hang glider
wallaby/Qantas/logo ??????????
there may confusion,1st 1 is 4 w on a q comp 1 is 1 w on a m.
a\q =quadruplane
so one wing on a monoplane ...glad that is sorted out
thanks petal - i think you've cleared that up for us now :)
There MAY be confusion?
Then 4 wings on a quadruplane and 1 wing on a monoplane
i think petal was being polite....;-)
I'm surprised if it's a simple typo like that as barryg has posted it twice as 1W on a Q

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Ditloids ; What is 1 W on a Q ?

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