Occupations past and present = CLUES PLEASE in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Occupations past and present = CLUES PLEASE

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granny grump | 20:26 Mon 21st May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
10. Find first place for useless articles stowed away for this one (7)
14. She spent much of her time smoothing things over (7 4)
24. He had to have his wits about when in the prescence of royalty (5 6)

Any help gratefully received
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26 walk out with fun guy
14.She would use a hot, flat thing in the kitchen.
24. Sounds like a legal joker.
ironing maid? [14]
24] court jester
i thought we were not supposed to give the answers ..walk out with = court fun guy = jester ,I really am to good for this place
Question Author
Thank you all for your help - any ideas for number 10 please?
Hi,weecalf,I liked your clue for no24! Don't think that expression is used nowadays??? Good clues.
10. FIND (the) FIRST LETTER (of) OF "Place"
then add a word that means "useless articles that are stowed away"the word you want is also a word that means trees that have been cut down, by a " same word-Jack").
Put the two together to get the occupation of a man who may fix your taps.
10 First letter of place + ?(jack)
Oh,TW super clue but the last bit made it too easy??
Ok quinie, I consider myself told off.
Question Author
brilliant clues thank you all
Oh dear I didn't mean to sound critical-sorryTW
It's OK, I am not offended Q.

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Occupations past and present = CLUES PLEASE

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