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girls names

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joanne2303 | 14:43 Thu 31st May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
3. computer network linking uk universities(5)
4, thai member from myanmar(5)
16, any plant of the genus of ranunculaceous plants(7)
17, common loses fifty(5)
21, timber carrying four wheeled cart(4)
22, a burglars jemmy(5)
24,north america burrowing rodent changes a letter(6)
27, a lady's maid(7)
29, spring term at oxford university(6)


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17 Norma
27 Abigail
29 Hilary
3 Janet
16 Buttercup?
17] Norma
27] Abigail
21. gill or jill
22. betty
Question Author
4 Karen?
24 Brenda? anagram of bad(g)er +n
joanne2303 if you google Karen you'll understand the answer.

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girls names

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