It's date shift code interpreted as 181237.
Normally, write out the message to be converted into code. Underneath the 1st letter put 1, below the 2nd put 8, below the 3rd put 1, then 2 under the next , then 3, then 7 and just keep on repeating using this sequence of 6 numbers. To convert the message to code select the 1st letter and shift it the number of letters along the alphabet represented by the number below the letter, repeat with succesive letters and numbers.
To reverse, take the coded message, write 181237 repeatedly underneath the message and shift the letters backwards along the alphabet the relevant number.
I < 1 to become H
W < 8 to become O
Q < 1 to become P
G < 2 to become E
I < 3 to become F
B < 7 to become U .....note loop round to the end of the alphabet.
Repeat for the rest of the message. The first deciphered word is HOPEFULLY.