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Radio Times X-word No. 27

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DGR | 13:37 Wed 27th Jun 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
I am stuck on 17 down - Former king raised by small Persion King (6 letters). I have X?R?E? and am fairly certain that these letters are correct. The answer is (presumably) the name of a king but I cannot find one begiining with "X" that fits in. Any suggestions would be most welcome.


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Xerxes (king of Persa)
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Many thanks to all of you for your lightning responses. Now that you mention the name it rings a vague bell. Perhaps it was an answer in an earlier crossword. I shall make a note of it in case it comes up again. It's obviously no good relying on my memory and if I couldn't find it this time, there's no reason to think I would be able to find it in the future!
There will always be someone to help
We shall be waiting.

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Radio Times X-word No. 27

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