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Link words quiz

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trixie11 | 18:26 Tue 03rd Jul 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
23 Answers
Link words quiz. The number in brackets denotes number of letters in link word. Thanks for your help.

5. Point, stick, test (5)
7. Hard. Bin, eye (5)
8. Minute, word, at (4)
18. Sweet, beat, land (5)
20. Wind, bus, tax (7)
21. Therapy, maiden, free (6)
24. Paper, hand, desk (8)
27. Special, time, film (5)
28. Space, service, diplomacy (7)
30. Burning, back, take (5)
33. Money, made, oven (5)


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5 - match
33 - ready
7 - liner
21 - speech
Question Author
Thanx novalis
21 speech
27 - extra?
28 - shuttle
24 - is it 8? Writing would go with all of them.
8 - last
30 away?
18 - heart
oops ignore^
30 - issue
Question Author
Definitely says (8). I agree writing goes with all of them tho.
I keep thinking 20 is shelter but cannot find confirmation for wind.
5. Match 8. Last 33. Ready
Question Author
Forgot number 12) Hospital, public, strike (7)
Thanx for answers so far.

Wind shelter could be for the beach?
12 - general
12 general
darn, novalis I worked hard at that and you pipped me at the post lol

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