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starrs | 22:56 Fri 13th Jul 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
1A Early stages ?N???C?
5A Aspiring to 5-2 ?O?L? B?
3D Coming to office ??C?A?I??
18A Brass instrument 6,4 ?R???? ???N
16D Under different conditions O???????E
23A Control exposure to the public ?E?S??
31A Have inside info on 5,2 ?A?T? T?
28A Manner of speech ????M


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18a French horn
16d otherwise
23a censor
31a party to
28a idiom
18a. french horn
31a. party to
1 Infancy
1a infancy
5a would be
3 Accession
16d. Otherwise
31a. Party to
1a. Infancy
18a. French horn
23a. Censor?
5a. Would be?
1a infancy
5a would be
3d accession

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