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hannahmay | 18:00 Tue 09th Oct 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Time for some Towns.
This is my last one so can someone help please,
78, Carry on drawing, [8]
I have for number 16, Golf courses here, [5] Linc's could this be right?
Thank's in advance.


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Also Lincs sounds ok except its a county, not a town
78 Paignton?
Only got this quiz yesterday . A bit early to be asking.
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Thank you cg51 and quinie very greatful.
I got mine on the Sunday chorley9 why come and look on here if, not looking for answers!!!
I don't look for answers on here I just like to see how many questions are asked from a quiz . I have stopped doing quite a number of quizzes for that reason. The only losers being the charities that set the quizzes. Why can't people wait till nearer the closing date before asking for loads of answers. I've seen one asked in August, 20 questions from a 25 question anagram quiz that could have been solved using an anagram solver. The closing date was 31st October .

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