I love Harvest Festival at Church too, its a great time to be thankful for all the blessings we receive in life. We go to a small church, almost a chapel, where I have been going all my life. I love the Harvest hymns and have many happy memories of 30 years of being a Sunday school teacher to little 4 & 5yr olds, seeing them stagger out to the Harvest table to put on there a marrow or a bunch of carrots almost as big as the child! Many children made up little baskets of fruit tied with a pretty ribbon, these were usually taken to the local hospital. The smell of fruit and vegetables mixed with the smell of the flowers, usually chrysanthemums ........... always reminds me of Harvest these days. In the 50s & 60s most of the gifts were of fruit and veg grown on people's allotments, there was an enormous amount spread over three trestle tables with fruit arranged along the window sills. This food was auctioned off after the final Harvest service. Then in the 70s everyone used to raid their cupboards to take along tins of food which added to fresh fruit and veg was distributed to the elderly living near to our church. In recent years we have only a small display table at the front of the church and our "harvest gifts" are in the form of donations to be sent abroad - this year to Sudan. Harvest ..... yes, a lovely time of year!