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Feed The Birds.

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Georgiesmum | 22:23 Wed 12th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
62 Answers
Do you feed the wild birds? I always have done but a lot of my neighbours dont seem to bother now.


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sadly i daren't, or else the birds would be feeding my cat trisha, she's evil
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Oh bless her! I love birds and i love cats but unfortunately they dont mix!
I threw some bread out for them this morning.
I put out fat balls and nuts. Seem to be feeding every sparrow in a 20 mile radius. There are 4 houses on farm, I'm the only one that feeds the birds. I think they do OK raiding the barley in the shed though.

Was a bit concerned that the local sparrow hawk had eaten my pair of blue tits (insert your own joke), but they showed up today after a couple of weeks missing.
I used to but my neighbour used to leave food out for the fox and that attracted rats and then I saw a rat eating up the dropped seed on my lawn so I haven`t bothered since. The neighbours have about 5 feeders out so they can do my share as well. I`ve got a female blackbird without a tail at the mo. I pull the crab apples off the tree for her and she hoovers them up.
Four cats belonging to neighbours are using my garden as a toilet. Don't see Blackbirds any more, they're ground feeders. BUt smaller ones still come to the feeders for seeds and fat-block.
we feed them all pigeons included
I put a feeder full out a couple of weeks ago and it's still full, fussy buggers!
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As soon as we get any wrinkly apples in the fruit bowl, i cut them in half and throw them on the lawn for the blackbirds, as , like you say, they are ground feeders.
I put food put but don't get many birds because there are so many neighbouring cats. The wood mice and squirrels seem to be grateful though.
I'm in charge of the wild bird feeding dept, fat balls, seeds, and some squiggly dried worm things they love, hanging from top of clothes line pole well out of reach of our two elderly cats.
No, I have a cat. Although I don't think I would even if I didn't to be honest.
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I have three feeders full of fat balls for the birds at the moment, also two bowls of water for them plus a bird bath.

I've got some fat balls which I'll stick out tomorrow. Ever since I got the chickens we have more birds in the garden - I think because the chickens chase the cats off.
When I changed hairdressers, my new one i next door to a shop that sells fish and aquariums, they also sell food and bedding for small animals, nesting boxes and wild bird food - I bought two nesting boxes and a bird table. I buy wild bird seed and fat balls and keep a plastic plant urn full of water for them I float two ping-pong balls on the water doesn't freeze. I love watching the birds when I have time, now I've found a cat-roof place and a squirrel proof container
I like birds and used to put food out for them. Unfortunately the food attracted rats and the rat catcher, or pest control man, I should say, told me to stop doing it. I think there must be some way to feed them without the rats feeding as well.
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Well done Iluvspikey!
I feed the birds, I have a squirrel proof feeder, A week or so back I put a net out with about 8 different fat ball in in a long rope, the birds enjoyed it until the squirrel chewed it and snapped it and legged it with it. I also have a large bird table that I stock up with all sorts of things, the birds love cold chips!
Why would you feed wild birds...............they're wild.
But they do get hungry especially in the winter

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