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The Carnival Of Animala

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birdie73 | 21:29 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers
Still unsure about a few answers so more help needed please.
20 Pond Puss
29 Alien, no backbone
94 Shipped to the colonies
98 Lives at the white house

Thanks in advance for any further help.


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20) meerkat - sounds like mere cat
98 Bo? (The Obamas' dog)
94. rabbit ? - as introduced (disastrously, as it turned out) to Australia, Convicts were also shipped (transported) to the colonies.
Question Author
Thank you so much bibblebub, BIGJACK & frugalfred for your very welcome help.
BIGJACK I already have dog for another answer & am beginning to wonder if this is a trick question as the white house does not appear with capital letters ? I have also seen turkey given as the answer ?
I do appreciate all your help.
Re. number 98
I don't know how old the quiz is, but it might be Bushcat.
Question Author
Thank you TheWinner that sounds good have checked my animal book & it appears there, but of course it does say lives at & not lived at.
Will struggle on can't do much else with all the snow outside !!!!
The answer I was suggesting for 98 was Bo, rather than dog - must the answer be a generic term for an animal?
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BIGJACK the quiz just says that answers may be singular or plural & are all names of living creatures !!! so you may well be right.
Thank you again.
For No 94 I have the answer "Beaver" as they live in colonies and also the famous ship which sailed to the colonies was called the Beaver.
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Nice one Stargazer like your thinking , can you please put me out of my misery with number 29 have spent hours today with google books etc (better than looking at all the snow outside & much warmer) the best answer I can come up with at the moment is Locust as that has no backbone & is the name of an alien ?, also having problems with 32 ?
Your help is very much appreciated, it's so annoying when you can't work out the last few.
OH just told me we are due more snow this weekend !!!!!
I think 20 is catfish
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Thank you Mo-Jo-Jo for your very welcome help.
29 starfish?
Don't they have to be animals though?
A starfish isn't vegetable or mineral is it?
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Yes TheWinner the answers should be animals & have checked my book & cannot find starfish, but thanks anyway Mojo-Jo-Jo for your welcome help.

I think I may have caused confusion with my heading, obvious slip of the finger as it should read :-
The Carnival of the Animals.
Question Author
Thanks TheWinner have only just picked up your reply, I already have mouse as an answer, but loved the pictures & think it does look more like a vole.

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The Carnival Of Animala

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