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Please Help Me Name This Tv Presenter (4,9)

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sweetwoman23 | 23:15 Tue 29th Jan 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

I have these letters to unscramble;

L R T F O _ _ O _ _ _ S _



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Is it the Ruth Langford one (if your S is wrong) that appears in the Related Questions list below?
23:19 Tue 29th Jan 2013
That doesn't give much to go on. Any chance of some more letters or at least the name of the publication it was in, so we have a chance of searching for the answer.
Wait a minute, is it Ruth Langsford? You asked an almost identical question last year.
Is it the Ruth Langford one (if your S is wrong) that appears in the Related Questions list below?
If it is, that is a bit weird to ask the same question almost a year later.
We all have memory lapses lol.
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The OP says the answer is 4 and 9 letters - strange
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^^^ sorry - just ignore that
My error, sir.prize- I meant Langsford (never heard of her)
Married to Eamonn Holmes.

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Please Help Me Name This Tv Presenter (4,9)

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