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Eye Need

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Glossopswift | 13:32 Thu 30th Jun 2005 | Business & Finance
3 Answers

(also posted in Arts & Lit.)

In Private Eye there is a section at the back called Eye Need where people say things like 'single mum needs �500 for deposit on a house' and then gives a sort code and account number. Can anyone give facts about whether that works or not?



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I don't have any hard facts to back this up, Glossopswift, but I seem to recall an article by either a sunday paper or a lifestyle magazine that mentioned suggestions for ways to get rich quick.  However, the article listed it as being a last resort, and said that is was very rare to make a spaltry amount of money this way, let alone get RICH!

However, I do think that when it first kicked off, there were a couple of real success stories, though due to the popularity of it, coupled with a "less trusting" society, i'd imagine there are fewer successes than before.

Sorry I have no links or evidence, but I hope this helps.  

I recall Ian Hislop sayign he didn't like it, and would prefer it didn't occur, but if people wanted to pay to advertise why turn it down?  The obvious answer being to avoid being who you castigate.  Having said that, my subscription remains uncancelled.
I did it just to see what would happen. Didn't get a single penny and the advert cost me �30.

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