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Fao Sqad

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murraymints | 09:28 Sun 10th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
How are you my love ? Don't let the nasty remarks on your disgraceful thread bother you....some folks are just too self opinionated and ignorant.....they can't all be wonderful and beautiful like wot we are !!!! X


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LOL....No! sweat "cobba"...........lovely day to day in Menorca.

Don't worry i have met these sort of guys before.........they are entitled to a say.
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Fine my friend...just don't like the venom....quite unnecessary....snowing here don't you miss it ? Lol...think I'll just have to book a flight .....hee hee have a good day. Xx
Thanks my love.
And you're entitled to yours too sqad :c)

'News' gets rough at times - I don't bring it to the other topics friend......Jake.........was that some sort of an apology?

;-) don't need to say "yes"......just nod.
Morning Murray.
I read that thread although I didn't contribute.
Can I just say that you too should ignore the nasty comment that was aimed at you. It riles me that you can express an opinion and someone has to jump in and say something unpleasant.
ive just read this thread,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sqad, just how sunny is it with you today ? :):)
My PC icon says it's 14 deg and full sun in Menorca today.
Anyone care to enlighten me please with a link to said thread?
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I know Mrs o..I just felt the hostility was out of order...was surprised ed did not pull it !...hope you have a nice mother's day..x
Thanks Prudie, will peruse at my leisure....
Snap! lol
Ah, the usual pinko, lefty, 5th columnist terrorist apologists rearing their heads again?
Same old, same old.
I never understand how those who preach their bilious diatribe against this country and its values feel the need to stay within its stifling confines and make use of all the benefits of it whilst seeking to denigrate those who protect it and the rights to free speech they ultimately protect.
As I've said in the past, those who enjoy the benefits of it in all probability couldn't summon the courage to walk through a Recruiting Office doorway.

well said Chill.
Why some feel the need to insult another poster vitriiolicly is beyond me, it's not CB, it was in News.
Prudie....just back from the bins (plastic, paper, bottles) collected daily and went on to La Mola (I nickname it the Guns of Navaronne)...the sky is blue, the sea is turquoise and the sun is hot.
Oh that has really cheered me up Sqad.
Looking out of the window, the sky is grey, the sea is grey and it is bloody freezing :-(
Snowing here!
OMG god bugger off sqad, I'm sitting here on a dark grey day, east wind howling. Haven't been to la Mola yet, a dull day plan that hasn't materialised.

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