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Four Word Puzzle

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mac309 | 12:29 Sat 16th Mar 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
can you find four similar words form the puzzle bellow



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Can you give an example please of one you've solved. Is it a letter substitution problem- eg first word cold be EELS?
Please give more explanation.
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yes it is a letter substituiton, ie the C will be the same letter in all four words
Hi- I've tried this but have hit a brick wall.
Please can you double check that all the letters are right?

The first word must begin with EE (eels, eery) or OO (oops, ooze, oohs) but as the fourth word is an anagram of the first I can't find a fourth word that works (except for LESE but then words 2 and 3 don't work out).

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