Is the fashion of tying a yellow ribbon on a dog's leash a good idea?
For those not familiar. Tying a yellow ribbon on the leash indicates that that dog needs some space for various reasons, even health reasons, so don't go up to it or walk your dog towards it.
I can see unscrupulous people taking advantage of this on busy foot paths, instead of refraining their dog from being able to reach others.
As a lifelong dog owner until last year I can honestly say I've never heard of the idea or seen anybody with a yellow ribbon on their dog lead. If ever I saw somebody approaching I would call Max in and put him on his lead until after they'd passed, unless I knew the people concerned and how their dog would react. It's only courtesy, not everybody likes big dogs and not every dog is as well trained as they should be.
Blimey, I'm a dog owner, and I've never seen nor heard of the practice. What a cop out. And it presupposes that anyone and everyone knows what it signifies.
same as putting a red ribbon on a horse's tail if it's liable to kick or a green one to denote a young, inexperienced horse. Sounds like a good idea for the dog world but can't see it catching on nationwide - too many irresponsible owners. I prefer paddywaks - it's only good manners to control your dog when meeting strangers but unfortunately a lot of people have neither the knowledge or the manners to do so.
Well have never seen that before. It may be a good thing to put a coloured ribbon on some owners.!! The ones who hid there dog behind the back of there legs or lift them up over there heads,!
Not heard of it either. The use of coloured ribbons on horses' tails has been around for many years, but maybe it would be a good idea to introduce something similar for snappy dogs. Although perhaps a muzzle would do just as well?