12 a fishing prospect . only if you chek the weather 8 and 8 letters
17 this clamp on power pack changes tortoise to hare 8 and 5 letters
34 wind up the skirt makes for faster journey time 10 letters
35 corner shop for sailors 9 letters
42 look to the eighth soul for guidance 10 letters
thank you to all helpers which is much appreciated
thank you emeritus
tommy toon and .vakayu for all your help very kind of you all but still need 6 more if you can help me please
4 preliminarystitchwork changes direction . 4 letters
7 great at boat racing 7 letters
16 sounds like an italian bike for the water 6 letters
19 initially andy never cleated his own rope 6 letters
22 command centre joins one side to the other 6 letters
44 home of the lutine bell 6 letters
thought number 44 could be lloyds but not sure
thank you all once again for all your help and sorry for being a pest
thank you all who have helped me with answers to the quiz there is one more answer i could do with help
24 could be a royal postcode 1 1 1 letters have put in h m s don,t know if this is right answer anyway thank you everyone