@Pasta . I meant faddy as in it requires more effort to follow it than just in reducing calories. rather than as in a passing fad. Perhaps fussy might have been a better word.
Sorry, but all calories are equal. The manner in which the body processes foodstuffs to arrive at the calories might differ though.
The majority and I believe consensus view on weight loss and food groups is that carbohydrates should form a staple part of your diet, but it should be in the right proportion.
It seems uncontroversial to prefer wholesome real food over pre-packaged junk, as you put it - I would agree - but how does that exclude carbohydrates?
And as for animal feed - to the best of my knowledge, most animal foods have a protein and carbohydrate and fat and mineral composition.
Eat less,mostly plants. Exercise more. Eat a balanced diet, ensure plenty of fruit and veg. This is the best advice for a healthy, sustainable weight loss and control programme.