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Lincoln Cat Care

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Janbuck | 14:51 Thu 18th Apr 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Sorry to be a pain but I've just received my "R People" quiz back and it's not been marked so I don't know how I did. It did say your sheet would be returned marked. Is it possible to get the answers from somewhere please? Cheers


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I think it has been marked, they just mark the ones that are incorrect.No corrections mean all are correct.I had the same problem with a quiz.
It will have been marked, Janbuck, but if you got them all correct, there wont be any markings beside each question. My Mum's method of marking is to only mark wrong answers, and to put the number of WRONG answers in a little circle on the front. So if you got them all right, there should be a little zero in a circle on the front. Have another look. If you have an email address, I can send you a list of the answers by email.

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Thanks both of you for answering, I understand now. Slightly unorthodox marking method but now I know for future quizzes! I did get a 0 by the way. I am enjoying the challenge of the quizzes, tell your Mum.
Thanks, Janbuck. I set the quizzes, so it's nice to know they are enjoyed. Mum does the marking, and as she has arthritis in her hands, her unorthodox method of marking cuts down on the amount of writing she has to do. Hope you enjoy the next quiz.


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