Well, mine earlier was my mobile phone, stashed down the side of my cleavage, vibrating whilst a GP was listening to my heart and chest with her stethoscope.
She seemed to find it funny though she did remark she wondered what she'd done to me...oops :)
Not today but a while ago. I couldn't find my mobile phone anywhere in the house so decided to ring it! I could hear it quite distinctly...kept ringing but I still couldn't find it...knew it was around though. About 10 minutes later....I realise that I had put it about my person (in my bra ahem) to bring it downstairs...no wonder I could hear it but the life of me didn't find it until the "light bulb" moment later....duh!
Oh Cupid, don't haha! I stash it there as I never hear it and it's easier to feel it vibrating, it's handy and it's take a brazen thief to get anywhere near there!
Problem is with my mp3 player which is a bit broken and tends to switch itself on and off at will. I keep it in a top coat pocket so I'm often wandering about with a "singing" cleavage (albeit through the headphones) but I can't hear it!