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Freezing Cold Out There!

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Ann | 21:47 Wed 22nd May 2013 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
Brrr! it is really cold, wind is bitter.

We have been to garden centre today and bought trays and trays of plants (as the popular unusual ones have to be bought early) now I have a greenhouse absolutely full, plants even stacked on the floor. Can't put any outside as it's far too cold.

Have you seen the dreadful forecast for the weekend and beyond, miserable for end of May, what IS happening to our weather?


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Er yes - forgot about global warming!
NW news is saying overnight frost, leave the plants in the greenhouse Ann:(
It's rained here (Stockton-on-Tees) for about four hours straight. One shower had hailstones mixed in. It's been warm in the sun but lots of grey cloud and the temperature drops quite a bit. Chilly breeze blowing through the window now.
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don;t cast a clout til may is out
By all accounts the cold weather is sweeping down from the Arctic, it is certainly colder here tonight. The local forecast for the Bank Holiday weekend looks better. I haven't bought any new plants this year, perhaps its because of the long cold winter we seem to be just recovering from. I have absolutely loads of dandelions on the lawns, and my mower has conked out.
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I am doing MM, but it's only a smallish greenhouse :(

This time last year it was much warmer ..........
Fingers crossed its ok tomorrow. The things are going on their first school trip to a farm place. They have decided to take some apple seeds for the 'farmer' to plant and are convinced that they are going to get to milk a cow called Daisy (bless them, they're only five).
We've just had huge Hailstones,and thunder and lightening all in the space of 10mins,I echo your thoughts, what IS happening to our weather?
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Yes AYG, we were commenting on the amount of dandelions everywhere, all the grass verges and approaches to villages are banks of yellow - all dandelions. It is a shame they are weeds, as they are quite pretty really, and almost resemble a crysanthemum.
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Question Author
Aww sherrard, dress the little kiddiewinks up warmly then tomorrow, the poor little things will be freezing in this awful wind out in a field!
We had "risk of ice" on a car journey about an hour ago.
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Where are you bloomwood?
Sorry about the weather folks, it's MY fault!
I planted 15 tubs out on the patio 3 weeks ago on a lovely sunny day.
Since then they have been flooded, frozen and blown silly but they are surviving.
They deserve some sunshine!
I will be so disappointed for them if it rains. They both have little purses (one is obviously a 'wallet') with three pound coins in and they both have a sandwich bag with three apple seeds in (which they had hidden in the house). I have optimistically packed their sun hats and sun cream (and their rain coats).
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Well it doesn't seem that bad to me, only slightly chillier and the forecast for the rest of May seems ok - low to mid 60s here in SW London.
Where are you Anne?
Very cool here in N. Wales, iphone weather app says: '6 degrees, feels like 4 degrees'.

I can only concur!

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