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Squares Problem

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gness | 18:09 Sat 15th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I have ninety crocheted squares. The centre of each set of squares is a different blue...nine lime....nine pink and so on....using ten colours.
Can I work out how to make a nine square by ten square blanket without the same coloured centre being next to each other horizontally, vertically or diagonally.....or do I just open the wine and spend the evening faffing?

Thanks Gx


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Yes, pick your order of colours for the top row, imagine numbers 1 to 10. On the 2nd row shift everything 2 the right, same on the next row - example
etc etc last row would be 5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4

or just go for the wine:-)
Let the 9 colours be A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I; make these for first row of 9; next row down, move A along two places, so you get H,I,A,B,D,C,E,F,G; next row, move A along 2 spaces, so you get F,G,H,I,A,B,C,D,E; and so on, moving A two places to the left each time, or 1 place if 2 not available.
Would it work if you did the same pattern across a row but then repeat it two out as you work down? So no same colour is the same diagonally either?

My brain feels fuzzy thinking about it, I'd open the wine :)
Question Author
Thank you...thank you!! Had a fiddle this afternoon and my brain went fuzzy. Each square also has an inner border of one of the other colours which I was also trying to keep separate...then thought sod that....the baby will never notice but I do need the squares looking good....thank you!
Think suduko
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Hi Psyb....yes I have made a few Sudoku based quilted wall hangings and I knew somewhere in the back of my ageing brain there was a way but it wouldn't come to the fore....I think 9x10 was flummoxing me......x
Use the tenth (favourite colour) as a border on the outside?
Question Author
Could do Psyb but I need to finish it now without making any more squares.. ....all crocheted out...and I have used Merino wool so it's turned out fairly pricey......need to get on with making my curtains now too. x
I can't even crochet a chain. I admire your skill and patience, gness.
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Not patience, Tilly...I am a fidget. I would take knitting or crochet to the cinema and theatre if my friends would let me. x
Do you take orders????
I imagine that gness takes orders from no one!
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Orders? Well I might just play along with a hunk in a uniform...;-) x
I think the wine is a better idea!
I learnt to crochet years ago, when I volunteered in a hospice some of the ladies there used to crochet a lot and taught me.

I seem to have lost the knack for it though, just get in a jumble with it. Can still knit though.

Will have to have another go and persevere this time.
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Going to try both, a challenge!....x
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Forgotten how to do links again, Eve... but do look at Nicki French...lovely things to make. I am doing her springtime throw...or near as knock it without a pattern. x
Cottage industry I'll PLACE (Tilly) for an Aran cardigan for a size 12-14?
I have an Aran cardigan which makes me look like the Michelin man. I paid a fortune for it to be specially hand knitted.
I only want one, psybs, if it makes me look nice and slim.

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