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Candis Cryptic Crossword

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poppy12345 | 00:01 Tue 25th Jun 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
1a increase support above an entrance (9)
8a corrupt son involved in games curtailed fund (7)
11a mother takes time to cause harm (6)
14a confectionery items we found in collections (6)
19a old vessel for his nibs?(6)
21a piano off the ground? correct! (7)
22a prepare for take-off (4)
23a Dont races, perhaps, come from here?(9)
4d concurred its a selfish trait(6)
many thanks to anyone who can help.


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4d. a greed
23a. Doncaster
14a. sweets
14 sweets
19 inkpot ?
1a. prop a gate.
11a. damage.
8a. sponsor, anag of son spor(t).
21a. up right.
22a. edit?
Question Author
thank you everyone for your clever answers.
Im looking for a bathroom item, anagram of ptoeasthtt?

•Tooth paste if 1 letter wrong
could it be shower cap if some of your letters are wrong

It's one of the T's that is wrong, should be an O.

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Candis Cryptic Crossword

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