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judypark | 12:23 Tue 19th Jul 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Attraction, obscene, no longer greeted    s?lewd   Many thanks.


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There is something wrong with the letters you have judy, there is no way a word can be made from what you have there.
'Salewd' is the answer. It's a Spenserian (ie obsolete) version of 'saluted'. SA = sex appeal (ie attraction) and lewd = obscene.
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Thanks for your help, had just found it via a Spanish translation site, salewd is the Spanish for saluted. That compiler wants shooting.
I don't know much about Spanish, Judy, but 'salewd' is listed in Chambers as the past tense of 'salue' in Spenser's writings. It is clearly from 'salve', the greeting 'Hail!' in Latin. (I daresay the Spanish took it from that same source, though the spelling 'salewd' doesn't look very Spanish to me!)

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