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The Km Links Game - July Week 2 Results

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seekeerz | 01:45 Mon 15th Jul 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Good morning all - I'm managing to hide my disappointment after last night's narrow loss under a cloak of absolute amazement at this morning's results but you'll all have to wait to know the reason why until a little later -

Suffice to say something most unexpected happened, especially considering the person involved, but enough waffle, these are the matches -

Curry Comb
Black Smith
Brain Storm
Brown Rice

While the first three were popular, I was fairly sure the last might be missed - well that idea went out the window when that low-flying owl known to us all as STRIX came by and selected all four for a total of 10 points !! nice going, owl !!

Special mention for the 6 pointers - gen2, ulysses100, jobjockey & Prescott and a raft of others who've made an impact on the Leader Board, which will follow.

So Very Well Done to All the points scorers, please keep up the good work [ and hopefully some will rub off on me !! ]

Round three comes up next week, so we'll all be back for that, at the same place, to try our luck, till then stay safe and cool, skz


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11 points - Strix

9 points - jobjockey

7 points - Prescott, Shazza H, cgoody & brizzer

6 points - devadiva, Elspeth, bryher, gen2, jillywiskas, ulysses100, middlestump, HandBagLady & boxtops.

4 points - Brenden, rockfordill, tearinghair, aelmpvw, psybbo, Christiana, x-ray
kawakiri, baza, sackville & cliffyg.

3 points - 5 players

2 points - 10 players

1 point - 16 players

As you can see, almost everyone is on the LB already, just a few stragglers still propping up the bar in the Free Fall Club rooms, hopefully there won't be too many left at the end of the month .. well I'm off for coffee, I'll catch you all later, Steff
Thanks skz. But what a cracking match it was. That's two Sundays hiding behind the sofa, with Andy Murray's amazing win last week as well. And next week is the Open Golf....I do love summer!
Brown Windsor lets me down everytime, I'll keep putting in , one day brown Windsor will get me t point
Goodness gracious! What happened Strix? Did you allow Mrs Strix &/or other friends & relations to make the selections for you?

I seem to see you most weekends sharing the facilities of the Free Fall Club with me, rather than gallivanting with those at the top of the Leader Board.

Congratulations! And I'll see if I can astound Seekerz next weekend.

Kettledrum xx
Well, Skz, hell's bells and buckets of blood and knock me down with the proverbial.....
Man will be harvesting grapes on Mars before I manage that again!
But thank you for all the totting up etc.
Well done, Strix - it's us who are in free fall after such a dazzling display.

How's Tigger doing, Steff? We thought it an excellent name for a live-wire Ragdoll
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He's very well, thanks, .... Jumping Jack Flash might have been a better description but that's a bit long to yell !! He has all the dogs sussed out and plays with Charlie, youngest Westie, like a tribe of elephants .... Life will be very entertaining I think

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The Km Links Game - July Week 2 Results

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