The Towers are open for members this evening. As we are celebrating Queenie's birthday today, we will not be in attendance, but we have left a delicious supper for everyone in the dining room and the bar has been well stocked and we have large pitchers of "Birthday Tailcock" for all to enjoy. The Minstrels will be in the gallery and the Tone Deafs are again playing on the small stage down by the beach - a refreshment tent is available down there also. All the usual amusements and entertainments are available for members.
Would members please note that next Saturday's meeting will be the Christmas in July Ball an event to which all members are cordially invited, (please note we have a fancy dress pantomime theme so choose your favourite panto character and dress accordingly!)
Igor is still experiencing some computer trouble so will not be around to assist our members this evening. We'll be having a man in soon to fix his problem and hopefully he will be able to return to his duties next time.
So please feel free to make use of the facilities at the Towers and have a pleasant evening. If we are unable to return before this meeting ends will the last member to leave please turn off the lights and leave the key under the mat.
Thank you.
Yes Daisy, that was quite a surprise ( to me anyway ) about Benteke, our manager did a good job with what ever he said to him, we need him without him I fear that it may well have been relegation !.
Yes I know were doing very well regarding the cricket.
Mammar, are you in charge tonight? How good of you.
Really am going to miss Igor. Can always rely on him. One of the lovely shiny people.
Do you think anyone else will turn up tonight? Or a cosy threesome? Perhaps we could discuss next week's Ball.
Do we shelve the ruffle?
What do you fancy for supper?
Crikey, don't put me in charge!
However, it may be a good idea to shelve the roffle and concentrate on he planning.
Let's all sit on the Round Table with a jar of Tailcock and a pile of Snickers
Oh, hold the Snickers. Just found a delish platter of smoked salmon sarnies, my favourite. And I bet it's the best Scottish knowing Nungate.
Pull up a chair, you two, let's get this show on the road
There are Pringles, Twiglets, cheese straws. . Help yourself.
Tone, if you could rig up a pump on a water tank then fill it with Tailcock we needn't keep getting up for refills?
Daisy, I was thinking of doing Widow Twanky. Then I could bring all my washing and kill two birds with one stone
Tony, still got my Fairy Godmother dress from when I was in the school staff pantomime. Pale blue satin, hooped petticoat, slightly off the shoulder.
Together with wand, silver wig and tiara. Wicked pair of pale blue stiletto heeled bootees.
How about you?
Mammar, which character for you?
Yeah, I'll sort that out with a pump and the tailcocks, great idea that Mammar.
Right, I was thinking of maybe one of the ugly sisters from Cinderella, they have always traditionally played by men haven't they.
Oo just found an amazing trifle and a pile of profiteroles. Oh and mince pies and squirty cream. Nungate was obviously thinking of Tone when she chose those
Mammar, what a good idea. Drying washing is such a bore. Sour cream and onion Pringles? Bliss.
You are so practical Tony! What colour would your dress be?
I did. It was right next to the Banoffee Pie. And a bowl of strawbs.
I reckon I might add a Carmen Miranda style fruit salad hat to my outfit. Oh no, hang on, it ought to be washing based, I suppose