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robsmom | 15:12 Sun 01st Sep 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Any help please with Puzzle 9 Black Sabbath star Ozzy Osbourne tried to become a what as a youngster, but had to give it up because he was bad a t it?
Gone brain dead, any help would be appreciated thanks.


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Yes, a burglar
From Wiki
[I]and even attempted to forge a career in burglary, stealing a television (which fell on him during getaway and had to be abandoned), a handful of baby clothes and bibs (originally thought to be adult clothes, as it was too dark to see when he did the burglary); which were stolen to sell to people at a pub, and eventually some T-shirts.He spent six weeks in Winson Green Prison when he was unable to pay a fine after being found guilty of robbing a clothes shop.[I]
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