THE COMMON WORD QUIZ Nov 2013-Jan 2014
New Quiz now available, in aid of Agapecare Foodbank Spalding; Tender Heart working in Goa, India, amongst the Dalit people.
50 questions - 3 words in each clue, the answer is one word which connects with each of the clue words to make a short phrase or saying. Closing date: Monday 27 January 2014.
31st December, 2013.
1st Prize: £10, plus other random prizes
£1 (cash or cheque) plus sae to:
TCW Quiz,
13 Livingstone Drive,
Spalding, Lincs,
PE11 2FS
Cheques payable to F Ball. Also available by email via Paypal using following link. £1.30p if using this method to cover PayPal charges. If link does not open, copy & paste into web browser.
Email should there be any queries.
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