Buxton Quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Buxton Quiz

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Cate_gory | 08:57 Sun 08th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
18,floor or wall covering and a christian symbol (4,5)
30,Can be milk or cream and deposit cash here (7)
41,Can be planted in garden,sounds like a question (5)
50,Textile sellers,area of agricultural land (7,5)
or olive,First aid items may blue,plus could be lime or olive (8,5)NO. 52
57,A selection and being deserving (11)
any help with these last few would be gratefully received.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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is there a theme ?
50 Drapers Field
57 Rangeworthy
18 Tile Cross
30 Jugbank
52 Plaster's Green
50 Drapers Field
41 Bulby
Good morning,mallyh,all answers are place names within the British Isles and contain items which may be found in or form part of a home.Buxton's quiz,closing date 31st December.
Good morning to you too,scorpiojo (though it's a horrible dreich one here)-I didn't notice you had already answered no50.
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Thankyou all for being so helpful,I find I am stuck on one more,19,Alternative forms of light and a word commonly used for 100 mph (ton)
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Thankyou glassman, and to everyone who has helped me.I am trying to finish off quizzes before going away.many thanks.

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