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Pitcherwits Weds 18 Dec (Picture Clue) 5 A

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Tobyone2014 | 00:12 Mon 30th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
%a They're very current (7) The picture is of a what looks like an amplifier (AMP) and a Globe with an arrow pointing at the north POLE. There is a Z in the bottom right corner.


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00:16 Mon 30th Dec 2013
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AMPERES ..... but what the dickens is the significance of the rrow pointing at the north pole? ERES sounds like EARTH?
With this puzzle that clue appears regularly.It is supposed to represent "airs" I think hence amperes sounds like "amp airs"

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Pitcherwits Weds 18 Dec (Picture Clue) 5 A

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