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Quiz Of Common Denomintors

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auntymary | 22:13 Mon 27th Jan 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
1 EMU---------------ship
2 horse-------------Mother-in-law
3 belt ----------- teeth.
thanks for any help.


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2 Nag?

Can you give an example of a solved one please.
1 Hull? (Rod Hull, Hull of a ship). (Clutching at straws)
3 braces? Or is it a word that goes in the middle?
I assume we are looking for common denominators
3) belt BUCKLE teeth - is one possibility
belt, teeth, brace?
I thought it was buck teeth.
3. braces seems to be the best answer.
1. Wonder why EMU is in capitals.
I suggested braces and nag on auntymary's previous thread
^ so she may not think they're correct
Braces and nag appear to be correct, scorpiojo.
EMU European Monetary Unit ? Ship, tender?

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