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Doctor Who - Real Or Fictional

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Ladymojo | 22:24 Wed 26th Mar 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
1. Certainly isn't wet behind the ears!!

2. A criminal caught on air!!

3. Presumably, he met Stanley.

4. Does he tramp around Cornwall?

5. Name of "The Radio Doctor".

6. Was he assisted by idiots in the 40s and 50s.

7. Slang term for heroin.

Any help much appreciated, Thankyou.


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Avatar Image Have a look at that question, Ladymojo. Couple of your questions are in there.
22:32 Wed 26th Mar 2014
3 Livingstone

Have a look at that question, Ladymojo. Couple of your questions are in there.
4 Doc Martin
Question Author
Thankyou to all for your help x
7 Dr Brown - Back to the future
5 Charles Hill
Michael WInstanley - radio doctor see wiki
Charles Hill, Baron Hill of Luton - 'Radio Doctor' during WW2 see wiki lol:)
Question Author
Thankyou Scorpiojo & Peter Pedant x
7 Dr Feelgood
I think 2 = Crippen
Question Author
Thankyou kettledrum & mrchirpy x

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Doctor Who - Real Or Fictional

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