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Unsalted Peanuts

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robert551069 | 05:42 Thu 08th May 2014 | Food & Drink
28 Answers
Does anybody know where it is possible to buy unsalted or lightly salted peanuts.
Preferably on line or near Brighton, East Sussex.
I have bought some KP peanuts from Asda but they are too salt too eat.
Thank you.


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googling 'unsalted peanuts' brought up a lot of replies, but some sites were showiing as allegedly dodgy, however, I hope this helps :
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Thank you albaqwerty for your prompt and helpful answer.
you're very welcome Robert.
The ones you buy for feeding birds are unsalted, as far as I know. Nothing wrong with them to make them unsuitable for human consumption, unless someone knows better.
bhg - some packets say they are not fit for human consumption. don't know why this is though, sorry.
I've seen that too, LJ, maybe they're treated with something to attract birds/wildlife?
Happy to stand corrected.
If you want unsalted nuts then try the cookery department of the supermarket, you may find them there.

Did you know that peanuts are not nuts?

That is my useless fact of the day.
Have you tried Holland and Barretton North Street?
// peanuts are not nuts //

What are they?
They`re legumes JJ
Legumes? New fact of the day (for me, anyway).
-- answer removed --
I would have thought any chinese supermarket would sell them as they are used for Kung Pao chicken and other dishes.
I don't think the bird ones are coated with anything, they're just not considered up to standard for human consumption,maybe because of where and how they're packaged or because they don't meet size/quality regulations.
you'll often find them on the Home Baking shelves in supermarkets
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Thank you for your prompt and helpful answers,23birdman23, mayennaise,j0nb0y,bhg481,lady-janine,andrew1707,joggerjayne,1ozzy,ethandrum
I checked Holland and Barrett this afternoon.

Actually, they don't seem to do unsalted peanuts. Cashews, macadamias, etc, but not peanuts.

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