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Laundry/clothes Drying Options Help Needed Please

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black_cat51 | 10:25 Fri 30th May 2014 | Home & Garden
28 Answers
Hi, currently we have a large family (including baby and animals) in a smallish space. As such, we have had a washer/dryer for the last few years (w/machine used approx 3x week dryer approx 1-2 times a fortnight)
because of the fur that gets on everything, the washer dryer is moderately frequently breaking down. Ususally when we get it repaired, the man sniggers as he leaves and says "see you again soon!" neither me, my husband, baby, cats or dogs are in the least technically minded, so although all he seems to do is unblock some bits of the machine with accumulated gunk/fur, that's not a job any of us feel we could take on ourselves. the dryer bit has now broken again and this weather, combined with the fact we work full time (so no-one at home to take washing in if it rains) has meant it's a bit of a nightmare washing and drying clothes. Also, when the dryer bit is blocked/not working the washing machine bit smells and makes the clothes smell
i have reached a point where i feel it's just too much money to keep having it repaired and need a new plan. Help!


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TBH if you have a bit of space to spare (even if it's the garden shed) get yourself a condensing dryer. I've never found the combined machines as good as two separate ones.
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the problem is i do not really have any space (except, perhaps for one of the bedrooms)
As crap as it is, it may be the way to go. I had no end of trouble with my combined machine, it just wasn't worth the hassle in the end.
Could you not stack two separate machines, black_cat51.
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I've always had washer/dryers and never had a problem (but I haven't had to deal with a large family). Obvious first question is are you regularly cleaning out the filters yourselves? I thought this was standard maintenance, do you know how to do it or have the manual?
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can't stack them on top of each other - there is a kitchen worktop i n the way :)
can you really have a TD in a bedroom?
I did the same as rockyracoon and gave up on the combined washer/dryer and put a dryer in the shed.
You can have a condensing one anywhere you like.
Hi black, in your situation I'd go back to using a couple of maidens.
Should have said .... for the drying side of things!
I used to have my condenser dryer in a cupboard. They can go anywhere.
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B00, how long would that take to work on say a load of shirts?
Could you not have an airer in one of the bedrooms (if you have one spare) and do smaller loads of washing more often? There are loads of us and I refuse to use my tumble drier unless absolutely necessary and I use airers.
I use mine for towels mainly, most of our clothes can't bloody tumble anyway. That machine of Boo's looks a bit promising.
Coupla hours may be BC? Depends how full you make it, more clothes and it takes longer to circulate the hot air in it. It doesn't take much 'leccy though, and it makes your rooms smell all warm and washingy!
We've always had separate machines and in our old house the only space for the dryer was our bedroom, I had a nice throw to cover it when not in use and the hose went out the window when I did. My son uses a dri buddy in his flat and as long as you don't over load it, it seems to work fine. Much better than damp clothes around the house for days.
Boo, does it create any condensation?

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