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I almost forgot. I have a tale to tell.
Picture the scene, Monday evening, I am safely ensconced on sofa with my latest book on my kindle fire, no lights as kindle lights up. I hear a cat playing in the kitchen, but what is there to worry about right? Later Queenie deigns to come down from her chambers, living room dark save for light from my kindle, me? not bothered by the dark, kindle lights etc.
Tell her cat is in kitchen playing with something, she goes into the kitchen, (lights on by this time) Teddy (our youngest) comes running into living room something in his mouth, don't know what it is. Queenie after him tells him to drop it, he does she thinks it's a leaf, (probably carried in from outside on someone's feet) anyway she goes to pick it up when she realised it was a mouse!! After the hysterics dies down (hers not mine!) Now I've asked this question before what sort of stupid mouse would come into a house where five cats live? Teddy grabs mouse and scuttles behind table, Queenie asks what's to be done as she doesn't want to touch it, I suggest she pops outside and brings in a flower pot and cover the corpse. She does. What are we to do? Decide to remove the body, so we thought some card slid under the flower pot should keep the mouse in the pot so we can remove it from the house, only the mouse we discovered isn't dead! She dashes out to garden for a large stone and puts it on top of the flower pot and we wait for Mr. N's arrival home from work! She said to me "I really thought it was just a leaf Mum until I saw it was a wee bit more full bodied!!" Mr.N safely removed said mouse from premises. I asked no questions. Surprised by Teddy, he is so timid and nervous! Best mouser in the house!