all answers are items of furniture
8 prepare to address the ball(6)
11 run inter(10)
17 arrest valise(8)
20 comfort square(7 5)
22 cover stretcher(4 4)
26 tonic scale minus 12 (4)
35 penny river (4)
thanks for any help
sorry i dont mean to upset anyone thought as it was only two days away it would not matter, and would it have made any difference if i had asked 7 questions on the 31st!!!!!!
thank you to all those people who answered me, most welcome
Pulse 876
I tend to agree that it is a bit futile doing a quiz if so many answers are requested.
What I do find irritating is when some self appointed policeman of the answerbank keeps sticking their sanctimonious nose in every time someone asks for help a couple of days early.
I fail to see how pointing out a statement of fact is sanctimonious. How else do you suggest it's brought to people's attention that someone is effectively breaking the rules of the quiz? In such circumstances, some people who regularly answer questions have stated that they won't do so if they know the rules are being broken. And whether it's two days early or fifty is irrelevant.