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elainefisher007 | 18:32 Tue 05th Aug 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
23 Answers
I am really stuck on these three and would appreciate any help.
21 S.B.S.S.C ( )
27 D (7)
17 C.S.C.B.R.V.W. (
Many thanks.


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18:58 Tue 05th Aug 2014
Is there a theme, elaine?
In 21 the third word must be SO
17 Ralph Vaughan Williams?
17 good call scorpioj0
...shame I can't find it, ff
if theres a c to many it could be ...charterhouse suite
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No there is no particular theme just ditloids. Yes I worked out Ralph Vaughan Williams but cann't tie up the rest of the letters. Many thanks for your help.
Scherzo by St(?!) Saens..C. ??
21 seconds by so solid crew
17 Come Sunday by RVW
seventeen come sunday by ralph vaughan williams....have you put an extra C?
^ with a spare C :(
I give up!
27 dresses is a film ..if it's any help .
Is the number relevant? If so there was a film called 27 Dresses
I hope so :-)
In the RVW one is the other C word Concerto?
27 dresses.......(a romantic comedy)
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No I have checked the letters and I have not put and extra C in. Thank you all so very much for your help. Especially scorpiojo you all have given me some answers to put me in the right direction. Much appreciated.

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