Good evening and welcome to another week at Nungate Towers for all Mad Over Fifties.
Igor is waiting by the main entrance ready to relieve guests of their coats, cloaks and broomsticks. (Members will please note that we cannot guarantee that any items left in Igors care will be returned safely at the end of the evening, his memory is not what it once was)
Tonight's meeting will have to be a bit of a pot luck evening, as things have been a bit manic at the Towers today. So tonight sees the return of the running buffet
catch it if you can, for those less fit (namely me) there's a buffet supper laid out in the snug complete with volly vonts, canopies and horses doovers. We also have the return of those local favourites, the Tone Deafs back from their triumphant tour of the Outer Hebrides, there'll be dancing tonight! Members are welcome to make full use of all our facilities, from the bungee on the topmost tower the the indoor pool down in the dungeon! Members are most welcome to
wander around the grounds and gardens but since it's raining indoor pursuits are recommended.
Our Tailcock this evening will be the "Rusty Exhaust" another of the mixologists
interesting brews.
Oh calamity! They have found their way back in! The minstrels are up in the Great Hall Gallery warming up, ready to give us their usual fare of madrigals and
I see they have added sonnets to their repertoire! (Let joy be unconfined - I think not......) Goodness knows how they managed to get through security!
For tonight's rofl I offer:
Several pairs of wellies (various sizes, some leaky)
2 brollies (one a bit windswept)
Boxed pack of rain hoods
Things have been a trifle damp around the Towers, these past few days! Members should be prepared for anything!
A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals
Excel also send his apologies But he has kindly sent some roffle prizes which are
A mount Snowdon fridge magnet.
A boulton Broads fridge magnet.
Left over sun cream.
Seven sea shells courtesy of the foster kids.
Receipt from last Saturday's restaurant ( superb meal ).
And a left over postcard of some livestock.
LOL, yes isn't there Igor.
DT has managed to send his roffle offerings of
6 dead pc's.
13 virus programs.
3 bandaids.
24 ibuprofens.
2 warning cones ( motorway size ).
1 broken Indian bat.
empty wine glass.
Well thanks Mdmnungate - is the does the Tailcock contain alcohol - only I'm on medication and can only drink alcohol free just now temporarily. tonyav - thanks for the tip about the WD40 - I'll dump my Lynx forthwith.
Evening lj, there seems to be a few that are experiencing technical problems on AB at the moment something to do with a java ad.
Daisy sends her apologies, she has given up due to the java ad thing.
Music? We have our own house band if you will, the Tone Deafs they are playing in the ballroom now. Of course we also have, the bane of Madames life the minstrels who are playing madrigals in the gallery of the great hall. She has done her utmost to keep them out but they sometimes find their way back in. As for Abbas or Loo k and the Gang the Tone Deafs do requests
It looks like I'll have to leave - my Valium is taking effect - apologies and thanks for the hospitality. I'll collect any roffle prize next week. bye.