Quizzes & Puzzles Round Up September 2014 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Quizzes & Puzzles Round Up September 2014

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ABAuntie | 10:29 Mon 01st Sep 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
25 Answers
Dear All,

Here is the September edition of Quizzes and Puzzles round up. If you have a new charity quiz feel free to add it to the thread and we will include it in later editions.

Please remember it is vital that you add contact details ie email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz,thanks.

If you have already added it to AB you can just post the link to the question.

Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.


1. Summer Quiz, 60 mixed questions, in aid of Romanian Aid Foundation. (www.roaf.org), closing date 6th September 2014.

2. Scottish Castles and Palaces Quiz, 25 mixed questions, in aid of St Columba's Church, Nairn, closing date 6th September 2014.

3. River Quiz, 30 cryptic questions, in aid of Borders Water Rescue Team, closing date 10th September 2014.

4. Patchwork Quilt Quiz, a story where you fill in the blanks with types of fabrics, in aid of St. Michaels Church Shirley, closing date 10th September 2014.

5. General Knowledge Quiz, in aid of St Mary's Church Hall Refurbishment Fund, closing date 15th September.

6. New Quiz, in aid of HIGHAM FERRERS SAVE THE CHILDREN, closing date 10th September 2014.

7. 'E' Quiz, 50 questions all answers begin with the letter E, in aid of NE Fife Liberal Democrats, closing date 29th September 2014.

8. Food Glorious Food Quiz, 50 mixed questions, in aid of The Leprosy Mission; Tender Heart, NEW CLOSING DATE 29th September 2014.

9. Food and Drink Quiz, 100 cryptic clues, in aid of SAVE THE CHILDREN WISBECH, closing date 20th September 2014.

10. Ditloids Quiz, in aid of St Oswald's Church, Crowle, closing date 30th September 2014.

11. Tykes Teaser Quiz, in aid of Snainton Village Hall and PLaying Fields assn, closing date 30th September 2014.

12. Materials Quiz, in aid of Chatteris Community Group Medical Loans Service, closing date 30th September 2014.

13. Up For The Cup Quiz, story with Football team names, email address ammendment, in aid of local Breast-care Unit, closing date 30th September 2014.

14. Cryptic Quiz, 100 clues additional info here, in aid of MIND, closing date 30th September 2014.

15. Sixties and Seventies Quiz, 30 clues, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, closing date 30th September 2014.

16. Books Quiz, in aid of Breast Cancer Care, closing date 30th September 2014.

17. Link Words Quiz, in aid of Rhodes Minnis Methodist Church, closing date 30th September 2014.

18. New Quiz, in aid of The Village Hall At Heage, closing date 30th September 2014.

19. General Knowledge Quiz, in aid of THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS, closing date 30th September 2014.

20. TV Programmes Quiz, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, closing date 5th October 2014.

21. Tourist Information Quiz, cryptic clues about holidays, in aid of LIGUSA CROSSROADS ( www.ligusa.org.uk), closing date 9th Ocotber 2014.

22. On The Farm Quiz, now available by email , in aid of DebRA, closing date 14th Ocotber 2014.

23. Tools Quiz, in aid of RAP Foundation, closing date 19th Ocotber 2014.

24. Swinging Sixties Quiz, 30 questions all relating to the 1960s, in aid of Treetops Hospice (Regd. Charity No. 519540), closing date 24th October 2014.

25. Something Very Fishy Quiz, 30 GK clues and 30 picture clues, in aid of Radcliffe Animal Shelter, closing date 31st Ocotber 2014.

26. Creatures Quiz no3, 30 mixed questions, in aid of Radcliffe Animal Shelter, closing date 31st Ocotber 2014.

27. Head to Toe Quiz no3, 60 mixed clues, in aid of Cats Protection (Moray Branch), closing date 31st Ocotber 2014.

28. Flower Quiz, in aid of Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers, ammendment here, closing date 5th November 2014.

29. Kitchen Utensils Quiz, in aid of MATLOCK TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB SUPPORTERS AUXILLIARY ASSOCIATION, closing date 30th November 2014.

30. Around the UK Coastline Quiz, in aid of Supporters of Southgates Medical Centre, closing date 19th December 2014.

31. Buxton Mountain Rescue Quiz 8, 60 varied clues British place names, in aid of Buxton Mountain Rescue, closing date 31st December 2014.

32. Autumn Quiz, in aid of Rushden Children's Society, closing date 31st December 2014.

33. New DD Quiz 8, in aid of Friockheim BC, can't seem to see a closing date.

34. Food Quiz, 40 clues, a download version can be obtained by e-mailing:- jilllovescricket@yahoo.co.uk, in aid of St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild, closing date 18th March, 2015.


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St Columba’s Scottish Castles & Palaces Quiz Thank you to everyone who took part in this quiz. 142 entries were received, 53 were all correct. No 15 Cawdor Castle and Glamis Castle were both acceptable. No 22 Kisimul Castle but Stalker Castle also accepted £128 was raised for Church Funds – many thanks for helping us reach this sum. We value your support....
15:11 Sat 13th Sep 2014

AUTUMN quiz in aid of the Romanian Aid Foundation. (www.roaf.org) Closing date – 6th December, 2014. Mixture of 60 questions - 30 answers on classic cars, 15 questions on people and 15 questions on places in Wales. The quiz costs £1 (cheques payable to C.Giffard). 1st prize £10, runner up £5 and prize of £5 drawn from all entries regardless of score. Quizzes available from Mrs C. Giffard, 91 Cecil Street, Manselton, Swansea. SA5 8QP. If anyone would like a copy emailed to them, I am willing to do that and you can pay on return - chris.giffard@sky.com
Thank you for taking part in the SUMMER quiz. £80 was raised for ROAF. The winners were: 1st prize – Susan Thomson of Truro. Runner up prize Ann Rowe of Hitchin and prize from all entries –Jan Doughty of Kings Lynn.

Blackpool St Mary's

New GK/Picture quiz now available
£1 plus SAE to Charles Crosbie, 51 Sandgate, Blackpool, FY4 2NA or by email for payment on entry to charles.crosbie@live.co.uk
Closing date 20 December. £20 prize for winner plus £5 lucky dip
Thank you to all who bought the Sixties and Seventies quiz for Macmillan Cancer Support. Closing date 30th September. A grand total of £196.80 (yes the thirty pence) was thrown into my quiz as loose change by someone who bought it locally) . The winner has yet to be announced once the quiz is drawn. I will let you all know in due course. A new quiz is now available either by e-mail or by post and the quiz is called " Christmas Hits" closing date 30th November 2014. 50p minimum donation to -Jeanette Gibson, 7, Cairns Park, New Alyth Perthshire. PH11 8PA or by e-mail. macquizzes@gmail.com
WISBECH SAVE THE CHILDREN QUIZ. Please send £! and SAE to S.PERKINS 3 duchy close HIGHAM FERRERS NN10 8BZ. Closing date November 20th 2014. Cryptic questions, answers Occupations. Please state which quiz as I have 3 different ones.
ST MARYS CHURCH MISSION FUNDS QUIZ. 5 Sections, some cryptic, initial letters, castles. collective terms. Please send £! and SAE to Mrs Perkins 3 DUCHY CLOSE HIGHAM FERRERS NN10 8BZ. Please state which quiz as I have 3 quizzes to sell. Closing date December 31st 2014. £3 for all three quizzes.

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