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Village quiz

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sddsddean | 14:04 Sat 27th Aug 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
24 Answers
Its Village Quiz time again! All the clues below are places in the British Isles. I've got answers for some of them, but can't find the place on a map, so feel free to post any answers. Number of letters is given and also the probable starting letter (as they are in alphabetical order).

1. Shouting loudly (7B)
2. Shakespeare + black or red (7B)
3. Two before a water hole (9B)
4. Keep tea here? (5C)
5. Loud noises from ships prison (9,4 C)
6. Irish county on the scrounge (8D)
7. Not sober and knighted (10 D)
8. Female sheep (4 D or E)
9. Pretend (4 D,E or F)
10. Gordon was this (5 F)
11. You would find these on a battlefield (8G)
12. Totally bamboozled (4G)
13. Landing place for helicopters (10 H)
14. Scottish dwelling? (5H)
15. Opens door to a place of safety (8 I,J,K orL)
16. Kitchen utensil in the best of health (10 I,J,K or L)
17. No Scotsman would be seen without this (6 I,J,K orL)
18. Lead on (7 L or M)
19. Could this describe a treasure hunt (8 M or N)
20. Imaginery creature (8 M or N)
21. One of Romes seven hills (8 P)
22. Soft fruit (6P)
23. Type of sleeve ( 6 Q,P or R)
24. Birds transport (9 R)
25. Two body parts hesitate (10 R)
26. Stack with heather (8 R)
27. South African quiet shelter (7 S)
28. Alas poor Yorick (5 S)


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23 raglan
that was given in the 4th answer to this post.
type of sleeve is Raglan = Q no 23
no 28 is possibly Skull

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