Rainbow Puzzle in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Rainbow Puzzle

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anita cork | 10:13 Mon 06th Oct 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
60 Answers
Is it acceptable yet to ask for help with three remaining questions in the G & T puzzle?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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9 thoroughfare
12:48 Mon 06th Oct 2014
Thank you, scorpiojo. Easy when you see the answer!
Can I ask if No.10 begin with E and end in G, please?
Begins with T. Do you need another clue?
Sorry elliemay, still thinking of 3. What's the clue please?
Yes please, scorpiojo.
Sorry, I misread your question and thought you were asking if Q3 began with E and ended in T. What's Q10 please?
^begins with E and ends with T
Good grief,fat fingers! ^E and ends in G
No.10= It's odds-on the key being of service.
Thought it may have been Evensong.
I think that's perfect :)
Thanks, scorpio.
Welcome. Good luck with the quiz :)
Thanks re 25 - I did in fact get it myself - my trusty Chambers. Engage brain before AB!
Please could someone give me a hint re 62 - In the craft centre enthusiasts make wooden utelsils (5). Thought it might be a hidden word, but if it is, I can't find it!
The word is hidden in the three words
..craft centre enthusiasts ...
Is this answer 'trees'?
I give up !
Look at the three words Shaney wrote ^
Have done so.

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