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emperor | 20:27 Sat 13th Dec 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Answers involve or suggest movement.

33. Judicially, when a 'u' turn may not be a 'u' turn! 5, 5, 4

48. Shows anger - but helps to deliver the goods. 6

100. Our Christmas wish for all our quizzers who are tired of all this movement. 3, 4 , 3 , 5


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48: stamps
21:27 Sat 13th Dec 2014
33. could it be Three Point Turn? Don't get the judicial thing.
48. Donner?
Question Author
Like your thinking on both but trying to tie into the clue more closely
48: stamps
Question Author
Good to see you are still providing 'le bon mot'.
Thank you Bibblebub.
Eagerly await any further thoughts for the other two!
your eagerness to wait is likely to be sorely tested
run with the crowd for 100
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100. I have 'God rest you merry, (gentlemen) but not sure it's strong enough???

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