4d Barrel I removed from maître d' on strike, doing without board in trim smithy 5.4 ?a?e? b?t left grid. is it water butt
2d Flame - coloured gem, one of pearl, variegated one in cherry tree,
concerning viewer 4.4 ?s?e ?p?l left grid
?o?n?e?l right grid
23a Musician at bar and beam is irritatingly angry 8 ?l?m?n?o Right grid
Thanks for help
Thanks I am confused with Danny wa(I)ter doesn't fit is it water butt
as E comes from emeralds across
also Marryalynne thanks fire opal sounds right but I have the ?s?e from
7a Was heartless, left a leading tutor with terribly poor student to start with
that's fate 7 ?x???e? I have existed.
Very grateful for help