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Buxton Mountain Rescue Quiz

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ringer | 08:47 Mon 29th Dec 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
42. Chromium, plus Colchester is in this County.
The clue leads to a British place name containing a food or drink.


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Cr-essex in High Wycombe gives you CRESS
The chemical symbol for Chromium is Cr but I'm not sure that helps. Colchester is in Essex but I can't see where that takes us
Oh I see. Thanks Captain. I wrongly assumed Cressex didn't sound like a place name
Me neither FF - had to go and look for it.
I don't get the High Wycombe part.
Cressex appears to be a district of High Wycombe Tilly, from what I can find on Google.
Cressex is a place in High Wycombe, I think, Tilly
Thank you both.

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