Yesterday I received in the post a letter from Next, advising of important changes to my Credit Agreement. As far as I was aware, I didn't actually have a Credit Agreeement with Next. Calling their very expensive helpline number has got me nowhere so far (waiting time of 8 minutes is the quickest estimate I've been given) so I've been having a look on t'internet. It appears that because I once bought something online from Next, even though I paid for it by debit or credit card straight away, they have opened a Credit account for me. I have been on the Next website and I have a credit limit of £900. I have never received statements or any other correspondence from Next and am surprised that they can do this. It seems to have happened to a lot of other people. There is no option on the website to close or cancel this Agreement. Can anyone here tell me how to please? Do you think a letter would be sufficient? I will obviously keep trying the phone number, but would welcome advice in the meantime.
Thanks, I've decided to write to them even if I manage to speak to someone on the phone. It may be old fashioned, but I still think a letter is more certain. I've re-drafted the letter a couple of times since I started, it was a bit of a rant at first!
Ooo...thanks, Misky.....I received the same letter...thought it was a mistake and binned it....had I better look into it now?
I did receive a catalogue from them this week telling me they would charge me £3.75 for it so I emailed them...they dropped the charge and let me keep the catalogue.....if I can ever lift it from the floor into the recycling bin......☺
Well I thought about ignoring it, but while I was looking around the other sites, someone mentioned that this could affect my credit rating. I've never yet needed to know what my credit rating is, but if I ever need one I want it to be a good one!
Misky I think this will actually help your credit rating, especially if you have no other debt as you are in fact worse off if you owe nothing!. IF you want to build your rating buy something from Next using your Next credit card and pay if off the next day.
you can't just make a payment with a debit card - to do that opens an account. This is in their T&C AND they send you a credit agreement to sign (and incidentally, you also agree to get sent the directory up to twice a year AND pay £3.95 for the privilege)
Bednobs, I certainly haven't signed anything for them, and so I must have ticked a box when I bought something online. I've never had a catalogue from them either. Or any statements. I'm going to close this now anyway. The phone line now says at least 18 minutes to wait to speak to anyone.
Just had another look at my account online - it says my last statement was in August 2012, and the balance then was nil. The balance is still nil. So I don't need to worry about being sent a catalogue then! I've stopped shopping at Next for clothes anyway - their sizes have all changed and their size 8s are more like 12s.
lol i got a catalogue the other day (like ness i found it extremely difficult to pick up as it was so big) and i haven't bought anything from them since 2012 either - i don't receive statements (because i presume, like you, my balance is nil). If you don't want the catalogue, definately close the account
there you go then - you do have an account (if you managed to look at it online). All of their accounts are credit accounts, and you wouldn't have been able to set it up without 1 agreeing and 2 agreeing to a credit check (most probably you didn't read the terms and conditions when you ordered)
Bednobs!! What a thing to suggest!
haha You're right, I didn't read the T&C, which is what I meant earlier about ticking a box somewhere.
I've stopped ringing because the woman who tells me their operators are "super busy" is getting on my nerves.
The joys of home shopping...
Thanks all. x