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popeye44 | 20:39 Thu 22nd Jan 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
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1, A steering wheel shape or cube shape made with what looks like chain link.
2. The word Knockout but with the letters K O KO in bold.

Could someone also tell me how I reply to an answer or send an answer on. I am new to this!

Many thanks


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second round knockout? KnOcKOut
19:02 Fri 23rd Jan 2015
To reply to an answer on your original thread just click on "post an answer" which can be found below just above related questions as you did on one of your previous questions. Not sure what you mean by "send an answer on"

2 Do you mean K O then KO again but in bold ?
i'm a little confused how 1 can be a round shape or a cube or is it a wheel shape and a cube shape ?
Question Author
It does look like a steering wheel but can also look like a 3d cube. It is made up of lines and dots which made me think it could be seen as a chain?

Also , yes about the K O & KO. They are in the word knockout.

Thankyou for explaining how to reply to a thread.

The other query was someone asked me to pass an answer on to another person.
second round knockout?

2 Triple whammy?

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Do you know the answer?


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