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Using Cola As Lavatory Cleaner

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Ric.ror | 16:04 Mon 02nd Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I understand you can use cola to clean the lavatory but will diet cola do the trick?
I'm thinking of using the very cheap supermarket own brand stuff
I can't really post this in the food and drink section

Thanks in anticipation


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Interesting thought. But there are cleaners that claim to sort out limescale that you could use on your slimline toilet. I think half the problem is getting the product to stick to the sides on the limescale and not run off into the bowl.
11:07 Wed 04th Feb 2015
Ric....I don't know but I have to ask....why is your lavatory on a diet?...x
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It's not (you make me smile)
It's just the really cheap cola in the supermarket is diet
You can get descent bleach for much cheapness mind was imagining all sorts there, Ric....☺ and thank you...x
coca cola will not kill germs in your toilet. You can get 2 litres of generic bleach in most supermarkets for less than 50P -drink the cola and use the beach (careful not to get that around the wrong way)
I know you can clean a ring with cola;)

Won't the straw get stuck in the U-bend?
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Yes but doesn't bleach just bleach lines ale and not remove it
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It's supposed to remove the limescale and whe I googled it, someone on a forum (can't remember which one - it could have been mumsnet) said they tried it and it stained the limescale brown.
White vinegar?
who is going to say 'Buy a new toilet'?
Bog brush
Daughter tried it and it turned the toilet brown! Had to use bleach in the end.
My friend helps out in a charity shop and someone donated their used toilet brush in a bunch of stuff she was sorting through. Gross!!!
I've tried all of the "eco" methods and none of them worked. The only thing that works for here (very hard water area) is tipping a whole bottle of Vyakal down the loo and leaving it overnight.
Sorry, it's Viakal
Limescale-removing toilet cleaners (containing hydrochloric or phosphoric acid) will do a much better job...the acid in cola is way too weak.
If my memory serves me right...coca-cola is quite a good stain remover. I'm sure I'm saw them use coca cola on Esther Rantzen's That's life to remove engrained stains on pots and pans and hey worked!

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