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Wesleys Preschool Quiz

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poodledoo | 20:11 Wed 06th May 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
question 37 (anagram of film, programme or documentary) has 16 letters, but 3,6,6, in brackets. Which is correct, the anagram or the numbers in the brackets?


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what are the letters?
It'll be an anagram but the answer is 3 words of 3,6,6 letters. (e.g. The ****** ******)
3+6+6 = 15 boxtops ;-)
No help, but a correction to a different question here:
Question Author
letters are LESUEHRDNMTMSEME ie 16 letters but the number in brackets is (3,6,6) one of which is the word summer.
Its almost 'The Endless Summer'
(Subtituting an 'S' for an 'M')
Email the setter.

[email protected]
poodledoo - don't know wether you will/have seen this from the setter
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yes I have seen it thank you, because I did as Mamyalynne suggested and asked her to confirm that there was another fault.thank you all for your help.

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Wesleys Preschool Quiz

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