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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:29 Thu 18th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
Thursday. The sky is clear, it's gong to be a lovely day. Which pleases me as I have a charter today. Lunch at the TA...again! :-D It's already warm, so polo shirt today.

Tiggy was still wandering about a while ago, he went into Tiggy Towers when a cat came in, it got a surprise when it saw me. It decided, wisely, it wasn't a good idea to hang about. Tiggy stayed indoors.

Have a happy day everyone.


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hello all. very misty out there again at the moment. stayed all day yesterday. grey, damp and not summer like.
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Morning LJ. xxx Was that the weather, or just your mood? :o}
if I had known you were around earlier i'd been in touch sooner.

you're jet-setting all time at the moment. good job we don't expect postcards.
just the weather my friend.
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Yes, I'm out and about a lot at the moment, but nothing strenuous, just a case of being there and bossing people about really. Nicely of course! :o}

Yes I saw on the idiot box the weather down your way wasn't so good. It was sunny enough here. but there was a strong wind.
hi lady I n wbm
from a dry n cool C of A

more lunching wbm - good for you
Morning WBM, Lady J
Stunning morning....can't decide wether to go for a walk or make a bacon sarnie!
Morning beejay
funny thing weather. went shopping in helston about 17.30 and sunshine there. driving back it got mistier and thicker all the way home - dipped headlights job.
morning beej, morning Talbot.
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Morning beej and talbot. It's looking like a good day to be on the canal. :o}

Lunch at the TA is always a delight.
bout ye talbot
beejay...I've often wondered what it is about me that makes every Irishman I've ever known ask what it is about me.

I don't actually know what it is about me to be honest.
just had a look outside and some of the mist has gone but everything looks very wet. yeuk. wish I could stay in bed all day when it's like this.
Actually...its NI variety now I come to think about.
Talbot - what on earth are you on about? it's too early.
maybe it's the weather and maybe it's because I haven't had much sleep but can we all play nicely please!
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LJ Only another Irishman will understand that. I know exactly what he means, but don't ask me to explain. ;o}
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LJ you're surrounded by Irishmen. ;o}
okay boaty.

good news yesterday. youngest rang to say that kings have declared her fit and she can go back to work. nhs hasn't given her any treatment or medication or suggested what she should do - apart from not twisting or sitting down too much (a joke when they kept her waiting in a&e for over 5 hrs) but she is fit again. really good news.

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